How Do You Know When to Consolidate Financial Statements?

In summary:

  • Consolidated financial statements provide a true and fair view of an organisation's financial health across all divisions and subsidiaries.
  • They are required when i company owns more than 50% of the outstanding common voting stock of another company, but there are many rules and regulations to account for.
  • Consolidation software can help organisations better the process equally well as respond quickly to market changes, make better-informed decisions, and capitalise on new opportunities.

In the simplest possible terms, financial consolidation is bringing together, under the umbrella of a parent visitor, the financial statements of all its subsidiary companies. Information technology means combining all group financials and integrating them into a single source for reporting purposes – simply in practice, information technology's considerably more circuitous than adding all the corresponding figures together.

An incomplete understanding of the issues tin can lead to significant strategic errors – not least considering inter-company transactions tin can skew the figures – and so the purpose of this article is to help companies option their way through the minefield and avoid the risks. A software arrangement which automates the more complex protocols and delivers existent-time reporting, all the same, will get a long way to making the process easier, faster, and more toll-efficient, and nosotros will cover this afterward in the article.

Are you interested in automating your group accounts consolidation? If so, delight get in touch on. Nosotros have a team of experts who will be happy to discuss your specific needs and what our bookkeeping consolidation software tin do for yous.

The purpose of consolidated fiscal statements

The overall purpose is to provide a truthful and fair view of the company's overall position for the fiscal year. While a parent company and its subsidiaries must each compile their ain discrete fiscal statements, the fact that they are continued and controlled past a common management team ways that, to comply with IAS standards, the parent visitor is under an obligation to evidence the financial position of the group as if it were a single entity.

Consolidated accounts are primarily for the benefit of stockholders, managers and directors of the parent visitor (if it has a controlling interest of fifty% or more). They'll be of less interest to those of the subsidiary companies, who draw no directly do good from the overall group.

When are consolidated financial statements required?

It is mandatory for consolidated statements to exist prepared when one company has control (i.east. owns more than than 50% of the outstanding common voting stock) of another company – unless that command is transitory or outside the easily of the bulk owner (e.g. when the company or companies are in administration). This includes subsidiaries, joint ventures and associate companies. With a few exceptions, if a grouping of shareholders is deemed to be in a position of joint control, or even meaning influence then all concerned entities must exist included within the scope of the consolidation.

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Consolidation accounting rules

Bookkeeping rules differ between the US GAAP protocols and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The former is rigid and dominion-based, whereas the latter is principle-based, which can potentially mean that the treatment of certain similar transactions might be left open to interpretation. In practice, nevertheless, the standards-setting boards have clarified nigh areas, meaning there tend to exist fewer exceptions than in the rules-based organisation.

In general, though, the main differences are:

  • The Consolidation Models

GAAP's bilateral consolidation model distinguishes between variable interest (VIE) and voting involvement.

Under the VIE model, the parent company is deemed to have a decision-making involvement if it has: (a) the power to influence the amount of any returns from that company and steer any activities and (b) the obligation to absorb losses or the rights to receive significant benefits.

However, even if the parent company does not have a majority shareholding in its investments, the extent of contractual or other agreements may exist enough to establish the principle of control and trigger the need for consolidated financials.

Nether IFRS, even so, this distinction does non be - control is simply considered to exist when the parent visitor holds more half of some other visitor's voting power.

  • De Facto Command

IFRS establishes the principle of de facto control: even though a parent company may hold less than one-half the voting interest and no legal and/or contractual rights they may notwithstanding be deemed to accept a controlling interest in certain situations. For example, where a major shareholder does not have a majority property in a company, just does accept other (widely dispersed) holdings, and then other relevant circumstances come into play, such equally whether the other owners tin vote in a block, to deem whether their interest is considered a controlling one.

This is not the example under GAAP. At that place is, all the same, a GAAP provision for the concept of effective command in connection with contracts, although this is rarely imposed in practice.

  • Potential Voting Rights

IFRS but considers potential voting rights if they're sufficient to enable the holder to steer activities of a visitor they've invested in. In certain situations, GAAP's VIE model distinguishes between: (a) whether the entity is a VIE or (b) which entity is the main casher of a VIE.

  • Accounting Policies

IFRS stipulates that consolidated financial statements are presented, every bit far every bit possible, in the same format equally used by the parent company in its own financial argument, using compatible bookkeeping policies for all like transactions and events in similar circumstances, right across the group. This is not required under GAAP regulations.

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The Consolidation Accounting Process

The complexities of best practice, every bit you can imagine, are therefore both broad and deep, and you tin can read more about them hither. In its simplest form, a Consolidated Financial Argument will include (for the financial year in question):

  • a balance canvas
  • a profit and loss business relationship
  • greenbacks flow statement
  • a statement of changes in equity, if applicable; and
  • any explanatory notes to the above

And the basic steps to follow are:

one. Tape intercompany loans. Intercompany loans from the subsidiaries to the parent company must be documented, forth with an allocation for interest income earned on consolidated investments between the companies in the group.

ii. Charge corporate overhead. If the parent company allocates its overhead costs to subsidiaries, summate the rate of any overheads to be allocated by the parent company to each subsidiary and charge it accordingly.

3. Charge payables. Ensure that all accounts payable during the period have been properly charged to the various subsidiaries.

four. Charge payroll expenses. If at that place is a mutual paymaster system in place to pay employees throughout the grouping, ascertain that the payroll expenses have been correctly allocated to all subsidiaries.

5. Complete adjusting entries. Certificate all adjusting entries necessary to make a complete and accurate record of revenue and expense transactions during the period, at both subsidiary and corporate levels.

vi. Investigate asset, liability, and equity account balances. Confirm that all entries in the nugget, liability, and equity accounts for parent and subsidiaries are correct.

seven. Review subsidiary financial statements. For each subsidiary, print out and review the financial statements. Scrutinise whatever unusual entries, or any which don't look correct.

8. Eliminate intercompany transactions. If in that location accept been any intercompany transactions, reverse them at the parent company level to eliminate their effects from the consolidated financial statements.

9. Review parent financial statements. Print and review the financial statements for the parent company and investigate any items that announced to exist unusual or incorrect.ยต

10. Review parent financial statements. Print and review the fiscal statements for the parent company and investigate any items that appear to be unusual or wrong.

11. Close subsidiary books. With some types of bookkeeping software, you lot may demand to flag the financial records of each subsidiary as closed so that no more transactions can be recorded for that accounting menstruum.

12. Shut parent visitor books. Once the subsidiary accounts are closed, y'all must flag the parent company bookkeeping catamenia equally closed, so that no more transactions can be recorded for that accounting period.

13. Issue financial statements. You can now print and distribute the Consolidated Financial Statements.

By now you will take realised that the risks of embarking on such a multivariate and take a chance-laden project without crucial software support would expose your visitor unnecessarily. The technical complexity involved in homogenising private accounts is enough to bring experienced accountants out in cold sweats, so choosing adequate (and specific) software for the task is crucial. The blazon of bundle yous choose will necessarily depend on the construction and content of your consolidation and on how you validate your data.

Considerations for multinationals

Multinational groups have further variables to consider, with language barriers being the least of them. A U.k. visitor, for case, may need to incorporate one or more than subsidiaries that written report locally nether United states GAAP regulations. In these cases, best practice would be for the local entities to prepare their accounts under the accounting standards of the parent visitor.

This means mandating all subsidiaries also use IFRS where their local laws permit. Choosing a software parcel that automates this homogenisation will naturally ensure all companies in the grouping follow the same policies and obviate the necessity to brand changes at a consolidation level.

Consolidated financial statement example

And so, what does a Consolidated Financial Argument actually look like? This is a typical case showing the standard format, using a fictitious company. Information technology shows the main statements in unlike formats and refers to the relevant IFRS paragraphs which they relate to.


Taking your consolidation bookkeeping to the side by side level

We promise that this has given you a ameliorate overall understanding of the requirements of, and processes involved in, Consolidated Financial Statements. You lot'll also be enlightened that loftier-functioning, unified and customised software volition

Taking your consolidation accounting to the adjacent level

We promise that this has given you a ameliorate overall understanding of the requirements of, and processes involved in, Consolidated Financial Statements. You lot'll likewise exist enlightened that high-performance, unified and customised software will not only brand your life easier but could help you lot avert potentially catastrophic errors across the grouping. What's more, it will leave yous better prepared for group audits, speeding up the procedure and reducing auditors' fees.

If you accept questions nigh automating your grouping accounts consolidation, please become in touch. Nosotros have a team of experts on hand who will be happy to talk over your specific needs and what our accounting consolidation software can practice for you.


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