Florida Department of Children and Families Food for Florida


Frankly, if he really wants to be bold, the entire Covid toxicant needs to be banned from all production, purchase, distribution, and injection into any living organism. Menstruation. Non even rats should become it.

David in Shoreline

Oh snap, Florida isn't recommending to inject your kids with experimental genetic material to "protect" against a disease that likely hasn't killed a healthy American child yet?

CDC ain't gonna similar that.


Not a peep from Mengel…er, Fauci lately. Was he told to STFU or is he too busy preparing for his Nuremberg style future trial for crimes confronting humanity?


Finally, a governing body protecting children from the unsafe and ineffective toxic shot !!!

Other governing bodies, delight follow !!!


When the truth comes out, and it will, it is going to be very evident who was fighting for the people. BRAVO. Assuming activity indeed.

Why would anyone want to inject their children with this?


These aforementioned people take their kids to Drag Queen Day at the local library. Evil abounds.

Ranger Partners

BTW, fraud eviscerates product liability immunity…


Good luck getting that argument through our courtroom organization.




I am not making low-cal of the gut wrenching pain of the loss of loved ones which is multiplied past knowing it was washed deliberately, just it is clear now that they will not be held responsible for their crimes while here on Globe. They Will exist punished eternally.

Ranger Partners

THE GOVT: ii+2=five.
THE PEOPLE: No, 2+2=iv.
THE GOVT: No, 2+2=5 or you're a domestic terrorist; come across Patriot Act 2001/NDAA 2012
THE PEOPLE: No, 2+2=4 & unconstitutional = tyrannical = null & void; see Orwell 1984.

Ranger Partners

"CoViD" DEATH Rate = 0.007 (0.7% expiry/99.3% survival).
"VACCINATED" DEATH Charge per unit = 0.029 (two.9% death/97.1% survival).
This means 414% More DEATHS from the "vaccine" than from "CoViD" (0.029/.007=4.14=414%).
Safety & Effective, right?
I guess information technology depends on what yous're trying to be effective at doing.
PFIZER & FDA tried to withhold release of this data for 75 years (2097)!
Does this give You lot whatsoever heartburn?!

4,000,000,000 x 0.029 Kill RATE = 116,000,000 DEATHS IN Astute Phase – LONG-TERM COUNT UNKNOWN

Ranger Partners

engineering a fuel crisis;
engineering a nutrient shortage;
applied science a border invasion;
engineering massive, institutionalized ballot fraud;
technology amnesty & voting rights for illegals (grateful new Dem voters);
colluding with big pharma & NWO/WEF on sociopathic depopulation agenda;
provoking, then funding Russia's annex of Ukraine via oil imports;
funding Iran's Islamofascist terrorism via greenbacks & oil imports;
facilitating China'southward addendum of Taiwan via our compromised POTUS;
shredding the U.S. Constitution & Neb of Rights;
conditioning us that ii+2=five via bribed legacy/digital media malpractitioners.
Does this requite You any heartburn?!


Don't forget the Govt engineered INFLATION to destroy the centre class….



and feckless fuk'north RINO's bend over to have their payoffs up the arsehole to sell united states out.

Avoi D. Jab


That doctor is fierce and awesome!!

If the vax is only twenty% effective in children & poses health risks – this is a no brainer.


Florida is the first i, simply it won't be the last ane. Presently, all the cherry-red states volition leap on-board.



Of form it's good for DeSantis to brand this statement just why are nosotros so thrilled with such a depression bar? Who in their right mind would believe the regime with their track record? Who in their right heed would inject an EUA product into their body? Who in their right heed is unaware of the trillions settled on agin reactions to many medications; meds made past the same industry? Who in their right listen doesn't know the love of money is the root of all evil and the pharmaceutical companies are very greedy? Seen their stock prices skyrocket? Who in their correct mind would put something in their body with no idea of what's in it? Who in their right listen would believe the and then called false science? Who in their right heed makes these kinds of life altering and ending decisions based on deceived and deceptive men'south recommendations and coercion's? What? For a job, money? A trip? Approving of others? Whatsoever happened to the natural rebellion and independence of the American spirit?

Ted Kennedy

Who? Why all the morons who went to public schools because they were "gratis and mandatory." Become told to shut up, sit down, and practise as you're told all your life and you'd strap a dog turd on your caput if they told you to.


DeSantis is saving lives. These are not truthful vaccines, they're gene therapy proven to modify liver Dna cells.
They create a vast array of wellness problems. Children MUST be saved from this.


Dr. Leana Wen Is a criminal!!!!


Leader of a cult of expiry.


Incredibly fugly commie shill.

uncivil and right


What do you do with cancer?

What do you do with cancer?

Makes you wonder if Desantis is backside all the negative Trump comments on the other story.


NO CHILDREN & NOBODY SHOULD EVER TAKE THIS POISON, SAY THAT! Has this SH*T not killed enough & mamed enough still?

LW Oxenrider

I know more people who have had issues with the " vaccine" than people who have had the "covid" (influenza, pneumonia, cold etc…).

Joseph Mecca

He says, against jab for "good for you" children. Much info is available on the toxins and so far identified that are inside the vaxx. Dr. Robert Young's site has details as well as others.This gene therapy they pass off every bit a "vacc" is untested and dangerous. Highly qualified experts from several countries agree to the dangers involved. Why exercise they tip-toe through the tulips? If a child has some major health issue or a senior denizen or any person, why oh why would any recommendation nether any circumstances exist made that this intentionally hazardous jab could be of whatsoever help? It was not designed to exist "helpful", the data is available if some due diligence is done. Why confuse with the ambiguity of their words, every bit if the jab may exist of aid with "sure" conditions? A recent DOD paper exposed shows huge increases in cancers etc etc etc.Dr. Ryan Cole in Idaho has tons of details. Maybe they are being overly cautious, but deaths worldwide and horrible side effects are piling up pretty fast as reported on many reliable sites. I pray they wake upwardly to reality. The deception was well planned.


Good on Florida. Late, but good.
Speaking of vaxx and boosters and such— what's the latest wellness news out of Israel with their 4 shots or whatever it is up to at present?
Don't see anything most information technology with all the new chaos in the news roofing up these things.

IMA Patriot

Y'all missed the key word….. "Salubrious". Florida withal condones injecting "unhealthy" kids so they can die sooner than subsequently. Pay attending and don't get that 4th jab.


Bold pace they may say but common sense still. I hope this makes it into the public contend because at that place are a lot of facts nearly the dangers of these vaccines and the mass murdering that's occurred that needs to come out into the public sphere.


Thank you Florida!!


God anoint these men. They only saved many lives and spared countless people from suffering needlessly.


I think this is the only politico in the United states that I have ever liked more than each passing day he serves in office.

Good On You Governor Ron DeSantis


Surgeon General of Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo

The World Economic Form Globalists will not be pleased.


I concord.
Florida has a keen Governor and and the WEF is fabricated upwardly of truly dispicable, evil human beings.


That'south my Govenor DeSantis – sent by God for such a time equally this.

Biden the divider


And mine. Just when I'd given up on the lot.


Your state is very fortunate.
George $ and the globalists will put up another horrible person to run against him and pay people to vote for him/her. Hopefully
the adept people of Florida will turn out in droves to proceed DeSantis in office.


Mine too. I would detest to lose him to the Presidency, just nosotros hight have to for the good of the state.

Seraph Angel


We should follow the science, but the science has been in hiding lately. Where is Dr. Imitation-ci Science?

Don't stick that in me

Please prey and say thanks for Devine intervention every bit America would be similar to Canada and Australia without leaders like DeSantis. He has got determination after decision correct and while I watch Trump on everything he says and does and love him, trump got duped on the vaccines and had an ego of I got them really fast and it seems in this instance of doing things really fast left out safety and review. Still will vote trump if he the nominee only DeSantos has been perfect in showing the cdc fda and nih are merely corrupt political hacks and you lot better off leaving your children to care of homeless people than gov officials.


We have learned what criminals Fauci and others in our government Healthcare system are. They sacrifice ethics and science
for money. Fauci needs to be removed and not receive some other dime from the taxpayers he served so poorly all these years.
Senator Rand Paul exposed his lies.




A little late, over 8000 injuries in VAERS but the only state politician to be confronting the jell shot. I give him props, wish he was my Gov.


Yeah, glad this was done just is seriously a late move. How many kids have been sacrificed on the simulated pandemic altar?!
Shaking my head over "parents" who really did what the boobtoob/guv officials (one and the same) told them to do.


The Biden assistants mandates and business concern and companie's mandates have caused many vaccine injuries and deaths.

Mrs. H

Florida is total of child traffickers and I've never heard a discussion from DeSantis, he has never said a word virtually fixing the 2020 election and doesn't anyone wonder how he trounce the decadent voting machines? Have you ever heard of skull and basic at Yale? Guess who attended Yale? He's a con task proverb a few of the correct things to keep the conservatives happy. Arrive line for thumbs downwardly.


Except he was never and isn't in the Gild

Mrs. H

He shared that personally with yous?


Well Mrs h your a troll probably from the commie Dumacrat party

Mrs. H

Probably not.


Your poor husband

WE THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-2.0.

WE THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-2.0.

Correct!…He DOES need to address PUBLICLY before long! So true 100%.

NWO…Nazi Earth Club Deep Land Operatives accept PEDOPHILIA – As

THEIR Common DENOMINATOR. Re-search MK-Ultra victim–>Cathy O'Brien.


That is one of the reasons for the criminal cartel DEMOCRAT XoeBamasoros open border and the unaccompanied minors
being brought in.


Attempt to stay on topic.

Or, better notwithstanding – have your drivel to the Politico or HuffPo boards, where it belongs. No one is gullible plenty to buy into information technology here…

Mrs. H

Ask yourself 1 question, how is information technology that our true president Trump couldn't vanquish the dominion corrupt voting machines and DeSantis did? Then be brave enough to get down the rabbit hole into the underbelly of Disney.


Just got word about my grandson's friend'southward mom, she'southward/was a nurse. double jabbed, and booster, had a blood jell, and died today. People but don't think

WE THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-2.0.

WE THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-two.0.

"Physician Heal Thyself." – Bible
…God-given Common Sense….


Was she required to accept it because of a job? Unfortunately this is still required for Healthcare workers.


Hazard analysis (the science) would suggests this same conclusion. But information technology takes existent backbone in todays environment to come out and say and recommend this. Wonder why anybody wants to move to Florida.

Trump's Third Term

Concord on. In a couple weeks it won't have backbone at all because the Democrats have seen the polls.

Any minute now it'll be "Trump'south vaccine killed kids"

Redneck Philisopher


It is Fauci and Gates and the pharmaceutical companies vaccines.


Trump has said he would not take mandated the vaccine for anyone.


Excellent! No reason to… Likely the jab would cause much more damage and decease than COVID.


I approximate if you don't have the smarts in the get-go identify, you recommend it. Being from the midwest, nosotros already have taught our children that they are not in danger of dying from covid, that if they do take hold of it, they volition be fine and because of it, they will be immune in the long run.


Oh and BTW, our kids understand this dissimilar many idiots in blueish states and blue cities

Molly Russell's Wart

Sanity is a beautiful affair. Rare and beautiful.


Let's gooo. FL tip of the spear. As per usual. Ladapo is on fire. DeSantis is the man. Ameliorate late than never sure whatsoever, I'm sure in that location are lots of difficult battles they are fighting. Huge stride.


The genocide jab has already poisoned millions of people………many of them will die.


Many have already died. Most people know this, i manner or the other. Only not many look at the details, which are fricking appalling.

According to VAERS, there have been 24,827 deaths attributable to these vaccines, every bit of the latest (February 25) data, 121,670 patients requiring urgent care, and 45,615 patients left permanently disabled. There's lots more on the VAERS site.



Florida is leading the fashion. You can imagine the heads exploding in Democrat state houses……and the White Business firm.


Wide Awake

This puts Trump in a box. He'll need to admit the vaccines are neither safe nor effective for immature people if he'southward to have any hope of getting back to the Oval Office.


He'due south it a science guy, all he has to exercise is say his advisors lied to him, which Fauci and coiffure really did in spades!


Trump has baggage he can say Fauci lied to him, the deep state was against him, Bill Barr was a screw up. Pick ane. Ron DeSantis 2024

Autumn Leaves

Trump is already on record proverb that children don't need the vaccine.


Trump has already said, dont jab the kids on several occasions.


Ron Desantis won't be in a box.


State and federal bureaucrats are and so far backside the curve in addition to beingness technically incompetent and terribly uninformed on so many levels – including commonplace medical noesis about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. NOBODY Under Whatsoever CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD BE GETTING THE Poisonous substance JABS.

Ted Stryker

How well-nigh recommending that NO One become these deadly, experimental vaccines??? Exercise what is right DeSantis!


Mystic Spirit

Thsnk you Jesus! Even so praying for the balance of it to cease!


Have a granddaughter in and out of the hospital with hepatitis liver failure. I experience is from the vax. Doctors in WA. country don't know what'southward wrong with her. Heartbreaking!




If you don't want a bunch of orphans, how virtually NO ONE get the injection??
If the ADULTS are all dying from the injection, won't the children eventually die from starvation/exposure, etc????

Oh, wait… guess that even so gets the mass death the NWO/WEF wants !!

Why is information technology we have NO Republicans who are honest non-NWO/WEF puppets?

Bill Winkle

Now, let'southward talk Ivermectin!!! Worked for me and my wife.


And HCQ. They should both be available over the counter in EVERY state.


and the wonderful DeSantis doesn't do it… Hmm… wonder why…

WE THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-2.0.

Nosotros THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-2.0.

Dah…that's using our God-Given Common Sense! – "Doctor Heal Thyself." – Bible


and the wonderful DeSantis doesn't do it… Hmm… wonder why…


Florida resident here, wife and I both had covid in January 2022.
We both requested prescriptions for ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine and learned that Florida prohibits doctors from prescribing either medication because they are non FDA approved for treating covid.
There are a couple of doctors in the state that have prescribed both medications and have been threatened by the state with loss of license and legal activity. Fifty-fifty if you had a prescription you would take a hard fourth dimension trying to get information technology filled in the state.
At least ii lawsuits in the concluding year against medical facilities that have prohibited dying patients from receiving ivermectin to treat covid. A woman in her 40'southward died in Palm embankment and a elderly admirer is currently being denied ivermectin treatment at Mayo Hospital in Jacksonville. I suspect at that place are more stories regarding cased in Florida.
I was shocked to learn this is going on in my state.

Not a casual observer

Please bleed into Georgia

WE THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-2.0.

WE THE PEOPLE. /> 1776-2.0.

Delight! Georgians…PARTICLE Beam THE DAMN GEORGIA "GUIDE" STONES! – Satanic


Leana Wen is levelling curse words in chinese at the moment. Chibai!

Pete Boggs


Im sure the medical profession, just like all news outlets and schools took money from our government to push masks and vaccines! They are all guilty!!!! They have washed so much irreversible impairment to their reputations and profession. Most American people will never forget or forgive! Good job!!! Nosotros see you for what you lot are now!


Source: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/florida-officially-recommends-healthy-children-do-not-get-covid-vaccine/

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