What Is a Family in the Periodic Table

Element Families
Members of element families share similar backdrop considering they accept the same outer electron orbital construction.

In chemistry, element families are groups of elements that share mutual properties. In fact, another proper noun for an element family unit is an element grouping. Element families assist distinguish element properties beyond those of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.

Why Elements in Element Families Share Common Properties

The reason elements inside a family display similar properties is considering elements in a grouping have the same outermost electron orbital construction. While the atomic nucleus and other electrons contribute to individual chemical element characteristics, it'due south the outer electrons that participate in chemical reactions.

Elements in the same column are congeners. For instance, chlorine and bromine are congeners of fluorine. Oxygen and polonium are another example congeners. In this case, these elements are quite dissimilar from one another, still because of their similar electron structure, they withal share some common properties.

Chemical element Groups vs Element Families

An element group is a cavalcade of elements on the periodic table. There are xviii chemical element groups, which announced on the periodic table as numbers listed above the element columns. For instance, the first column is group 1, I, or IA, depending on the numbering system.

For the about part, element families and element groups are the same thing. Just, families focus on element properties that are mutual between an element and those located below it on the periodic table. For example, group 16 corresponds to the oxygen group or chalcogens.

Listing of Chemical element Families

Chemists group elements into either five or ix element families:

five Element Families

The five element families combine similar chemical element groups. Then, even though at that place are numerous columns of transition metals on the periodic table, they all belong to the aforementioned family. The transition metals also include the lanthanides and actinides, which appear the main body of the table. Under this classification system, metals and metalloids transition between the other groups. So, this classification system does not include all of the elements of the periodic table.

  1. Alkali metals
  2. Alkaline earth metals
  3. Transition metals
  4. Halogens
  5. Noble gases

nine Element Families

The list of nine element families is more popular and more than inclusive. Under this classification system, element families stand for to their periodic table column, which in plow reflects their typical number of valence electrons.

  1. Alkali Metals: Grouping one (IA) – 1 valence electron
  2. Alkaline World Metals: Group ii (IIA) – 2 valence electrons
  3. Transition Metals: Groups 3-12 – d and f block metals accept 2 valence electrons
  4. Boron Group or Earth Metals: Group 13 (IIIA) – iii valence electrons
  5. Carbon Group or Tetrels: – Grouping 14 (IVA) – iv valence electrons
  6. Nitrogen Group or Pnictogens: – Grouping 15 (VA) – 5 valence electrons
  7. Oxygen Group or Chalcogens: – Group 16 (VIA) – 6 valence electrons
  8. Halogens: – Grouping 17 (VIIA) – seven valence electrons
  9. Noble Gases: – Group xviii (VIIIA) – 8 valence electrons

A Closer Look at the Element Families

Alkali Metals Family

Alkali Metal Element Group
Brine metals have one valence electron.

The representative element of the alkali metals group is lithium, rather than hydrogen. This is considering hydrogen is a gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures and behaves equally a nonmetal. However, solid hydrogen behaves as an alkali metal.

  • Group 1 or IA
  • 1 valence electron
  • Soft metallic solids
  • Shiny, lustrous
  • High thermal and electrical conductivity
  • Low densities that increment with atomic mass
  • Relatively low melting points that decrease with diminutive mass
  • Vigorous exothermic reaction with h2o to produce hydrogen gas and an alkali metal hydroxide solution
  • Ionize to lose their electron, so the ion has a +1 charge

Alkaline Globe Metals Family unit

Alkaline Earth Element Group
Members of the alkaline earth metals chemical element family accept two valence electrons.

Magnesium and calcium are examples of members of the alkaline metal earth element family. All of these elements are metals.

  • Group 2 or IIA
  • two valence electrons
  • Metallic solids, harder than the alkali metals
  • Shiny, lustrous metals
  • Easily oxidize
  • High thermal and electrical conductivity
  • More dense than the alkali metals
  • Higher melting points than alkali metals
  • Exothermic reaction with h2o, increasing as you lot move downwards the group; glucinium does not react with water; magnesium reacts only with steam
  • Ionize to lose their valence electrons, so the ion has a +2 charge

Transition Metals Element Family

Transition Metal Element Group
Sometimes lutetium and lawrencium are transition metals. Sometimes all of the lanthanide and actinide elements are in the family.

The transition metals are the largest family unit of elements. Transition metals include the entire middle of the periodic table. The lanthanides and actinides are special transition metals.

  • Groups iii-12
  • The d and f cake metals have 2 valence electrons
  • Difficult metallic solids
  • Shiny, lustrous
  • High thermal and electrical electrical conductivity
  • Dumbo
  • High melting points
  • Large atoms exhibit a range of oxidation states

Boron Grouping or Earth Metal Element Family

Boron is the representative element of the boron family or earth metal family unit. The best-known member of the family is aluminum. These elements display a range of properties.

  • Group 13 or IIIA
  • Boron Group or Earth Metals
  • 3 valence electrons
  • Diverse properties, intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals

Carbon Group or Tetrels

The carbon family or tetrels have properties intermediate between metals and nonmetals. The name "tetrel" refers to the oxidation land or iv valence electrons.

  • Group fourteen or IVA
  • 4 valence electrons
  • Diverse properties, intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals
  • Best-known member: carbon, which commonly forms 4 bonds

Nitrogen Group or Pnictogens

Like the boron family and carbon family, members of the nitrogen family or pnictogens display a range of properties. The family includes nonmetals, metalloids, and metals.

  • Group fifteen or VA
  • five valence electrons
  • Diverse properties, intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals
  • All-time-known member: nitrogen

Oxygen Group or Chalcogens

Another proper noun for the oxygen group is the chalcogen family.

  • Group 16 or VIA
  • half-dozen valence electrons
  • Diverse properties, changing from nonmetallic to metal as you motion down the family
  • Best-known member: oxygen

Element of group vii Element Family unit

Halogen Element Group
Members of the element of group vii chemical element family have seven valence electrons or a usual oxidation state of -1.

The halogens are nonmetals, although tennessine might be more metallic.

  • Grouping 17 or VIIA
  • seven valence electrons
  • Reactive nonmetals
  • Melting points and humid points increase with increasing atomic number
  • High electron affinities
  • Elements change country moving down the family, with fluorine and chlorine existing equally gases at room temperature while bromine is a liquid and iodine is a solid

Noble Gas Element Family

Noble Gas Element Group
The noble gas family is the final element family on the periodic table.

The noble gases are nonreactive nonmetals. Oganesson might be an exception in this regard, as it may be metallic. Examples of noble gases include helium and neon.

  • Grouping 18 or VIIIA
  • Noble Gases or Inert Gases
  • 8 valence electrons
  • Typically be equally monatomic gases, although these elements sometimes course compounds
  • Stable electron octet makes the element relatively inert under ordinary circumstances


  • Fluck, E. (1988). "New Notations in the Periodic Table." Pure Appl. Chem. IUPAC. 60 (3): 431–436. doi:10.1351/pac198860030431
  • Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-08-037941-eight.
  • Leigh, G. J. (1990). Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemical science: Recommendations. Blackwell Science. Hoboken, N.J.
  • Scerri, E. R. (2007). The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance. Oxford University Printing. Oxford.


Source: https://sciencenotes.org/element-families-on-the-periodic-table/

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